

It is a pure yellow cultivar of the Yachiyo type with well-developed stem, leaves, and inflorescence, suitable for cut flowers and bedding plants, medium variety.


Technical Name
Celosia cristata
House Name
Japanese Name
Country Of Origin
About 30-40 species are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, India, Africa, and the Americas.
Suitable Temperature
25°C (77°F)
Germination Days
8-10 days
Seeding Rate
20㎖ for transplanting and 40㎖ for direct sowing
Number Of Shares
7,000 copies
Space Between Plants
10 x 10.10 (1 piece)


20㎖/約20,000粒 20㎖詰・1袋/9,500円(税込10,450円)


Celosia is an annual plant, prefers high temperatures and strong sunlight. Late sowing can result in shortened length and disorganized inflorescence.

Cultivation Feature

Celosia can be produced in many areas of Japan and is often grown in the suburbs of cities and its areas around. It is mainly harvested in summer and long-lasting flowers even in high temperatures. Available range in delivery period is also an advantage.

Suitable Place

Any soil type is acceptable as long as it is deep in groundwater, well-drained and full sun. It prefers dryness and poor drainage may cause of plant death


Celosia is a high-temperature plant, and for growth it is 20-25°C.


Disease include wilting, leaf spot and phytophthora. Clean soil and proper humidity control should be paid attention. Cutworm and aphids are common insects.


When plants are watered too much, it can grow to be huge. Irrigation technique is required since the amount of water is directly connected to the quality.


Optimal germination temperature is 20-25°C, and it takes 5-7 days for germination. It seeds are sown carefully because the seeds are very fine.

growing temperature: 20-25°C (68-86°F) in the daytime and 15-18°C (59-86°F) at night.
Kurume/ Yachiyo/ Bombay/ Feather series
10-12 cm x 10-12 cm spacing, 5-8 rows, single planting no pinching, 1 to 2 layers of trellis netting.
12cm x 12cm spacing, 6 -8 rows, 2 plants
Celosia argentea
20cm x 40cm(inter-row spacing), 2 rows, 6-8 plants, 1- 2 layers of trellis netting.